
Eratosphere: regressive cesspool

Well me hearties, I have finally, and at long last, been successful in getting my ass out of Eratosphere. Eratosphere used to be a place where intelligent people could gather to express differing opinions about what is going on in the world, and, more specifically, about what is going on in the world of formal poetry.

Well, those days are LONG over. The only way you are going to have your voice heard at the Sphere, is to surrender your mind, pretend you never had an original thought in your life, and parrot the lefty-loony party line. Short of this, you will be treated as suspect. If you do not spout the party line, at each and every situation, you will be looked upon with suspicion. If you actually express political views that are NOT in line with the accepted and received train of thought, you will be suspect, and what is more, you will be accused of every sort of wrong doing the loony left can think up. If you quietly suggest that Islam is, in FACT, NOT a religion of peace, you will be taken to task, and you will be considered a bigot, and an "Islamophobe". And make no mistake, regardless of what you say, you will be branded a racist, misogynist, isolationist, nationalist, patriarchal, piece of human shit.

THESE are the actual, real, tactics of the Regressive Left, who are, essentially, Fascists. They are the pretend intellectual elite, who will call anyone with an ORIGINAL IDEA a fascist. And, the worst part is: these people are SO stupid, and SO caught up in their political machinations, and SO deluded and comforted in their circle-jerk method of confirmation bias, that they have absolutely NO idea of what harm they are causing around the world. And, the truly worst part: they DON'T CARE.

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