
PM to someone who needs some Information and a dose of Reality

I won't be returning to C's thread. I've unsubscribed to it and will ignore it for a few days, then go back and read it; but I will not be adding any more posts there. It's too risky for me, as I was already silenced by A. and J. S. for offense given in A. M's T. W. thread. I just barely made it back without being banned outright.

Background on me:

I barely made it through high school. I was a "super senior". It took me an extra year to get my diploma, because of a lack of credits. I wanted to be a rock star, played in a band, and was basically an ignoramus. I failed every subject in my first senior year.

Never stepped foot in a college or university, thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I was spared a proper "washing" and have remained among the Great Unwashed. Phew, that's a good thing.

I currently work as a kitchen utility grunt in an assisted living facility. I'm a career healthcare cook, and was in management briefly, with the intent of becoming a Dietary Technician, but all that fell out due to my manic-depression/ bi-polar issues. 

I currently earn the Arizona minimum wage. So I'm not exactly waving the flag for greedy capitalists, though I know enough to know that civil rights and a free market have been the best boons to actual prosperity and progress. Von Mises knew Marxism would end in disaster, in 1922; also Hayek, and many others. I won't even mention that fiesty Russian Jewish woman named Alisa, who sold lots of books and told of her university experience in Petrograd during the 1918 disaster. Of course she has been unpersoned in very Stalinist fashion, at least intellectually, for a very long time. 

I was born at West Point to a modest civil servant and a lapsed Catholic mother. I lived in a 60 foot trailer, in a trailer park, until I was twelve. I've written a novella, called "Fireflies of the Dusk", wherein my protagonist is essentially me, but not me. The noted Spherian, S. K., is thus far the ONLY person I know who has read that novella, and she has told me that it's one of the best works of fiction she has read. As you know, S. is a Muslim, and she and I have a long, healthy correspondence via the Sp., and email. She wants me to read the Qur'an, which she has sent me in a specific translation she finds the best. I've read through the Qur'an before, but never made much headway. This new version is far better, according to S., than any other available. 

I am a strident secularist, and a part of my activity on Facebook and on my blogs has been to draw attention to liberal and moderate Muslims, and their various websites, literature, and movements.

As for racism: I believe that racism can exist in a person in a strange fashion: ie: some of the most virulent anti-white racists ARE white; just as there are black people who seem to have a problem with black people who have differing opinions, and in my view, they are racist in their views. 

I have seen some of the most virulent anti-Jewish nonsense coming from Jewish people. Marx himself was a Jew. I consider Roger Waters, who's father, I believe, was a card-carrying communist, to be one of the most anti-Semitic people alive. I used to love Pink Floyd, until I discovered his deep down dislike and suspicion of Jewish people. Of course he claims he's not against any race, religion, or ethnic group, but his actions against Israel, by attempting to "unperson" any musical artist who performs in Israel, are disgraceful, and no amount of back-pedaling can make his agenda more palatable.

I could write so much more, in an attempt to prove to you that I'm not some kind of closet apologist for the extreme right. I am a centrist, a liberal at heart, who is aware of the dangers of extremism on both ends of the political spectrum.

If you wish to correspond with me, please do, but if you decide not to, that is alright also. I understand you are a busy person.


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