

I wanted to make mention, at least to myself, and to any and all deities who may be in existence and who may be inclined to lend an eye or an ear: I think Calvinism, as I understand it, which is to say not that much, is pure evil and an insult to humanity. This view is subject to change, of course, and I will make note of any and all changes to this view if and when they develop.

Sometimes I get angry at religious folk in general, and then I focus my anger on Christians, probably simply because most religious people I know are Christians, and sometimes I am absolutely forgiving of certain types of Christians, those of a more intelligent and loving personality who do not believe in eternal damnation and all that silliness, and direct my anger at Christians who not only believe in Hell but who cannot seem to contain the excitement they feel over the prospect of watching millions of people being swept into a giant hole in the earth by the beneficent hand of Jesus, whom they call the Prince of Peace.

At this present time, I can find it in my heart to excuse even these types, since they believe in the idea that a choice is given to every individual, and that the act of faith can lead to the salvation of every soul who wants it. Calvinists, with their ideas about predestination and the so-called "elect", can apparently find it in their hearts to worship a God who actually creates a great number of people for no other purpose than to damn them eternally.

Calvinists believe that God has selected who will be saved and who will not, and that the act of being saved has nothing whatsoever to do with whether a man deserves it or not. Salvation is seen not as an act of justice, but of grace. Faith is not something a person needs to attain on their own. Indeed, it is not something that a person can attain on their own. It is a gift from God. Conversely, and disgustingly, if God has pre-ordained that a person will not be saved, then there is absolutely nothing said person can do about it.

Through an amazing blanking out of reason and rationality, God is somehow absolved from all responsibility insofar as regards a person's damnation. He ordains, or decrees it, from the very beginning, and yet he is free from responsibility. People who are passed over, who are left to eternal separation from God and eternal punishment, are justly damned, and are deserving of their damnation, despite the fact that their damnation was pre-established eons before they were born.

Calvinists are full of shit. Either that or God is evil. But God can't be evil, by definition; and so Calvanism has to be wrong. Not only wrong, but evil, since it slanders God. These are opinions, not knowledge claims, and as such are subject to change.

Scary, though, that some of the present day's strongest and most influential apologists are Calvinists.

Happy New Year

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